This study was carried out to investigate the importance of instructional materials on the academic performance of secondary school students using 4 selected secondary schools in Akure South, Ondo State as case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at exploring the views of teachers and students on the extent to which instructional facilities affect student performance; examine the challenges that teachers in secondary schools face in accessing instructional materials; assess the strategies that teachers use to minimize the challenges of attaining and using quality instructional materials; and analyze the effect of instructional materials on the academic performance of secondary school students. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 100 responses were validated from the survey which comprised 4 selected secondary school students in Akure South, Ondo state using purposive sampling method were 80 students and 20 teachers were selected for sampling. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analysed using using four Likert scale of Strongly Agree(SA), Agree(A), Disagree(D) and Strongly Disagree(SD), the formulated hypotheses weas tested using Chi-Square analysis. It was accepted that there is significance effect of instructional materials on the academic performance of secondary school students. The study recommend More seminars/workshops on the use of diverse instructional materials available should be organized at least bi-annually to acquaint teachers on how to use them in teaching in secondary schools. More so, Educational managers should ensure that teachers have educational qualification in their subjects as a way of acquainting them with the principles and administration of instructional materials in secondary school. Also, a state organized committee should be set up, to monitor the teacher’s use of instructional materials during teaching.